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How to keep a figure in an “All Inclusive” hotel

People on vacation are conventionally divided into two categories: the first do not allow themselves to share a little candy, the second, on the contrary, during the vacation trying to eat everything they denied themselves during the year.

We are for the balance in everything, because we know how our body works.

Weight increases for three reasons:

  • swelling,
  • an increase in glycogen reserves in the muscles and liver,
  • fat accumulation.


The main reason for rapid weight gain is edema. Because of swelling the weight may increase by 1.5-2 kilograms during the first few days of vacation! The good news is that swelling is quite easy to prevent.

Drink 500 ml more than the daily norm of water every day.

Drinking two liters of water per day is an average recommendation. There is a more precise formula for calculating the daily water allowance: weight (kg) * 0.3 for women and weight (kg) * 0.4 for men. And the difference is due to the fact that the female body is 50-55% of water, and the male body 60-65%.

Have you done the math? Add to this number at least 500 ml and feel free to drink more, if you feel thirsty.

Reduce alcohol consumption

The main cause of edema is alcohol. If you do not want to give it up during the vacation, compensate by drinking an extra glass of water after each alcoholic drink.

Reduce your salt intake

One molecule of salt binds 20 molecules of water and places this structure in the intercellular space. You already know the principle: either reduce your salt intake or compensate with water. And remember, large amounts of salt are found in breadcrumbs, chips and other snacks.

Add foods to your diet that draw water out

Greens, celery, berries and apples draw water out of the body. For example, try starting the day with celery juice.

Increasing glycogen stores in muscles and liver

Ever wonder what happens to those calories you don’t consume? They do not immediately turn into fat, as many people think.

The first step is to make them into glycogen (a long chain of carbohydrates), which is stored in the liver and muscles, where glycogen can be stored for about five days. Your job is to reduce the number of calories not expended, because glycogen storage can weigh up to four pounds!

Create a calorie deficit

There are two ways to create a calorie deficit: move more and eat less. Choose the one that works for you.

Want to try all the food in the hotel? Swim more, walk more and exercise with your own weight. Want to take a break from sports? Reduce your portion sizes.

Move after a carbohydrate meal

Don’t blame yourself for eating dessert. If you go for an active walk or workout after a meal, the body will use the sugar it gains, and you will not gain weight.

For the same reason, eat sweets in the first half of the day, at most at 4:00 p.m. Speaking of sweets, if the hotel does not have healthy sweets, eat some fruit. Most likely, after them to eat a harmful dessert no longer want to.

Only after five days of complete inactivity, the body begins to gradually convert glycogen into fat.

Listen to your body. If your body needs rest, allow yourself to do nothing for three or four days. On the fifth day add a little exercise – try water aerobics or go on a hiking trip. You don’t have to torture yourself with strength training or long jogging!